A Marauders map of services in Australia: Unveiling the Power of Infoxchange Service Seeker
Harry Potter fans know what I’m talking about. Are you grappling to locate the necessary services and support you require? Or perhaps, as a community worker or practitioner, you're on the hunt for a comprehensive directory to aid your clients effectively? Enter Infoxchange Service Seeker, a beacon of assistance that’s poised to revolutionise the way you locate essential resources.
During my recent engagement with a Jobs Victoria program (much bigger than Hogwarts), encompassing diverse towns and communities across Victoria, Infoxchange Service Seeker emerged as a game-changer in linking individuals with localised services. Utilising this directory, I located regional LGBTQIA support for an individual who was navigating a gender transition. Similarly, it guided me to a women’s crisis refuge for a woman caught in the clutches of severe domestic violence. I can’t emphasise enough how great this online resource is.
In today's landscape, it's intriguing to note the attempts by programs, services, and councils to reinvent a wheel that already exists—the Infoxchange Service Seeker wheel. Powering the more recognisable Ask Izzy service directory, Infoxchange Service Seeker holds the mantle as Australia's most extensive electronic directory for health, welfare, and community services. It serves as an invaluable resource encompassing diverse classifications, including but not limited to aged, counselling, disability, drug & alcohol, education & training, employment, family, financial, health, housing, law, multicultural, recreation, and youth.
So, how does this resourceful tool function?
Step 1: Click on the link provided here.
Step 2: Utilize the search bar to input your town, area, or postcode alongside your desired support or service. For instance:
Example 1: Ballarat Homelessness
Example 2: Gold Coast domestic violence
Example 3: Adelaide drug and alcohol
Alternatively, explore the "Advanced Search" option beside the search bar for a refined outcome by answering additional queries.
Step 3: Peruse the list of services and opt for the one that resonates most with your requirements.
While the effectiveness of this platform is undeniable, it remains relatively undiscovered and underutilised.
If your service or program isn’t enlisted, seize the opportunity to connect directly with Infoxchange Service Seeker. The process of adding your program is seamless—locate the "+ Add service" option situated on the right-hand side of the search bar and follow the prompts from there.
I wholeheartedly advocate for incorporating this link into your program toolkit, as its potential to streamline your efforts and enhance accessibility is unparalleled.
I wish to clarify that this post is an independent endorsement of the remarkable Infoxchange Service Seeker. It's a gem I chanced upon, harnessed regularly, and believe can make an instrumental difference in navigating today’s challenges. I honestly wish I could wave a wand for this to be a part of every services toolkit, but instead I’ll holster my wand and encourage you the reader to share this resource with your networks.